About the project
Yogisha is the yoga shop in the Netherlands with multiple stores across the country. The goal of Yogisha is to offer a range that consists entirely of high-quality sustainable products. This includes products made of recycled plastic, bamboo or organic cotton. Everything you need for yoga can be found at Yogisha.
Yogisha wanted to achieve more online sales with the help of online marketing campaigns. The goal was to eventually open new stores across the country, but this required more brand awareness. We have devised and set up a complete Facebook strategy especially for Yogisha. Yogisha's potential target group is mainly on Facebook & Instagram, so it would be a missed opportunity if this were not taken advantage of.
With the help of online marketing campaigns, we were able to ensure that more online sales could be achieved. During these campaigns, we first created more brand awareness, later we specified the various campaigns by age. The focus is currently on ages 25-64. Once enough brand awareness has been built up, we switched to retargeting the target group, which ultimately resulted in additional online sales. Various texts and images were used so that the target group was addressed in different ways.
We mainly focused on cold, hot, hot retargeting and a prospecting campaign. First of all, we created more brand awareness with the help of a prospecting campaign. Here, we mainly focused on the different interests of the target group, in this case, for example, yoga, sustainable products & sports. Then we started working with cold, hot and hot retargeting, showing different ads for each target group. The deeper the target group is in the funnel, the better we can convince them to buy.
Baas & Baas has been working with Yogisha for several months, this collaboration has yielded some very good results.
Online sales
With the help of the various campaigns, we have made more than 100 online purchases.
Reach & CTR
A total of almost 800,000 people were reached through the various Facebook campaigns. Here, an average CTR (Click Through Rate) of 1.8% was achieved. The average CTR in the Netherlands is around 1.50% (FrankWatching). With the CTR achieved, we are therefore above average!
With an average CPC (Cost per Click) of €0.19 and a CPM (Cost per 1000 views) of €3.41, advertising on Facebook is a very cheap option. In addition, you can reach the target group very accurately. The average CPC in the Netherlands is around €0.70 and the average CPM €5 (FrankWatching). With the figures we achieved, we are therefore well below this!
Summary of the benefits of Facebook marketing
- More visitors to the website
- Generate more leads or sales
- Reach a potential target group
- Cheap way to advertise
- Result-oriented campaigns
- More sales, customers and online success for your company