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Content marketing

Content matters. After all, through content, you try to impress your (potential) customers. This isn't just about writing attractive texts and posting beautiful videos, what else is important? Offering content to the right target group at the right time. Right, we're talking about an appropriate content strategy... and here's what's important: inbound marketing!

“We believe in relevant communication that appeals to and entertains your target group. That's why it's important to build a strong relationship with your target audience. Indeed, through effective storytelling and a well-thought-out content strategy, any consumer can turn into an active brand ambassador.”

I want to grow

Why is inbound marketing important?

Inbound marketing, or rather its digital version (digital inbound marketing), has everything to do with how you market yourself. It is related to positioning, where standing out and distinguishing are the most important core values. Digital Inbound Marketing involves the process of reaching and converting high-quality customers by using organic tactics in online settings. The method is more focused on earning people's attention — by offering more value — as opposed to buying this attention from the audience. Offering more value consists of offering high-quality, search-friendly content. Common digital inbound marketing channels include search engine marketing, email marketing, blog marketing, viral marketing, social media marketing. What does it all have in common? Every channel needs content, or content.

Digital inbound marketing vs. traditional marketing


Compared to the Inbound Marketing Method, traditional marketing is more intrusive. In this way of communicating, you push your products and services towards the customer, as it were, even if they are not necessarily interested in them. This includes intrusive media such as TV, radio, unsolicited e-mail or postal campaigns, cold-calling and magazines. With the advent of the internet, customers have the choice to choose their own interaction. Simply pushing your product/service has thus lost its effectiveness.

Digital Inbound Marketing Trandionele Marketing
Kenmerkend Pushen Organisch
Focus Op zoek naar klanten Klanten aantrekken
Doel Sales verhogen Langdurige relaties aangaan
Doelgroep Groot publiek Kleine doelgroep aan geïnteresseerde mensen
Kanalen Print advertenties, TV advertenties, outdoors advertising, cold calling, beurzen, e-maillijsten Blogs, E-books, white papers, video’s, search engine optimization, iInfographics, webinars, RSS, social media marketing

Getting started with content marketing

The basis of Content marketing is a good strategy. We focus on creating and distributing valuable, relevant content for the right target group. In addition, we are fully committed to 'interactivity' and 'engagement'. In this way, you stimulate earned media; content created by your target group. The goal of all this is to attract your target group and convert a profitable customer. Combine paid, owned, earned and social media and you're the boss of the internet.

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Our 7 steps for a good content strategy

Step 1

Customer journey analysis

What makes your products and services so special? Exactly what problem do they solve? And how does this product or service help your audience achieve their goals? It's the answers to these questions that tell your audience why they should buy your products and services. If these questions are still difficult to answer, there is still plenty of work to be done. But note: in addition to these questions, your customers also have plenty of questions about your product or service.

Step 2

Market analysis

The market is another element that is important to pay attention to. After all, what are the trends and developments that are occurring within your industry? Who are your competitors and how much competition is there? Where is your target group in the market? And what is their behavior? By paying attention to the market, you know what's going on, you'll find out what content works in your industry and how you can best reach your target group.

Step 3

Keyword analysis

Of course, keyword analysis cannot be missed. Why? After all, a study into search terms tells you where opportunities lie. Ranking opportunities. Because the better you score on keywords, the higher you'll appear in Google and the more people will find you. In addition to this general keyword analysis, you can also see which keywords your website currently scores on and how good this score is. This includes attention to search volumes, competition and the potential of keywords.

Step 4

Content strategy by phase of the customer journey

We have researched your customer journey and also carried out a keyword analysis. Now it's time to link the two together. The customer journey can be divided into three phases: low, middle and top. This includes people in the low-funnel who don't know your company well yet. In addition, people from the top funnel are just the people who already show some interest in your products or services. We adapt the keywords from the research to these phases of the customer journey.

Step 5

Content creation

Yes! It is time for the actual realization of content. In this phase, we ensure that the content is written in the right form and with the right terms (resulting from keyword research). This content will form the basis of your channels. In cooperation with our video production partners, we ensure that your videos look great. Together, we will look for the right format. This depends on a variety of factors. This includes the purpose, the audience and the distribution channels. We have the expertise to know what kind of video is most suitable at what time. In this way, we are able to achieve a convincing result.

Step 6


Monitoring the performance of your content is very important. This is where you can learn big lessons that will help improve your results in the future. The KPIs that were previously determined in the distribution strategy form the starting point here. We work with monthly reports to share and discuss the progress of the process. In addition to these reports, we also work with a real-time dashboard that shows your results live.

Step 7

Earned media

Does your message reach the right audience? Then you have a big chance of winning earned media. It concerns all forms of third-party attention that a company or brand deserves. This includes, for example, positive reviews, conversations on social media and word of mouth.

The benefits of the right content strategy

A lot of information about the strategy behind creating and publishing content, but what are the real advantages? The benefits of a content strategy:

  • You attract a target group that you actually find interesting. So greater chance of recruiting high-quality and long-term customers!
  • Together with one of our content strategy specialists, you will set up a great content strategy and calendar.
  • The content increases your organic traffic and brand awareness.
  • In addition to your target group, the high-quality, high-quality and search-worthy content is also rewarded by Google. How? By placing your website or other content higher in the search engine! So double score!
  • The content that has been created can be posted on any channel; from social media to blogs.
Social media als onderdeel van content strategie

What content makes up a content strategy?

As an online marketing agency, we can use various forms of content to arrive at an effective content strategy:

Free content calendar

Get started with our free content calendar! With a content calendar, you can plan your content in a clear calendar.

All you have to do is leave your website and email address (without obligation). You will then receive a content calendar from us.

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Met een contentkalender heb je een overzicht van wanneer je iets op social media moet plaatsen.

Are you up for the challenge with us?

So online marketing is key to making your organization successful. Of course, we can help you with this. With a team of 18 experts and many more cases, we will make your company a BOSS in the online world.



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What our customers say about us

5.0 stars based on 43 ratings.
Julien Dijkslag , Maart, 2023

Baas & Baas bedankt voor de goede service 🙌. Tot de volgende keer 💪🏼

Rogier van Kralingen , December, 2023

Geeft perspectief en uitstekende service, vooral in tijden waarin marketing overweldigend kan zijn.

Sol Wortelboer , Februari, 2024

Uitstekende samenwerking, geweldige service en communicatie met een goed product tot gevolg. Grote bazen :)

Heleen Spruijt , Februari, 2020

We zijn superblij met het eindresultaat van onze webshop en vinden de samenwerking met Baas & Baas erg goed. De lijnen zijn kort waardoor er snel én efficient geschakeld kan worden.

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