TEDx has been inspiring the world for 35 years with interesting talks at events, which you can easily look back on online. There are so many categories and talks, it can be overwhelming. To help you get an end to the road, here's an overview of the favo marketing talks of four marketers at Baas & Baas.

Rachel David: How Influencers Have Transformed Modern Marketing
"Within companies, there is increasingly a big shift from traditional to influencer marketing. In this talk, Rachel David explains well what influencer marketing means. She also gives relevant examples."

Seth Godin: How to get your ideas spread
"Anyway I think he's a brilliant marketer and this is one of my favorite talks of his. The great thing is that this concept actually works for every company, whether you're creating a product or providing a service. With many examples and a joke here and there, the talk is easy to follow and very inspiring."

Simon Sinek: How to inspire great leaders
"This was one of the first TEDx Talks I watched and it grabbed me right away. The talk is about showing you why you're doing something. It's such a simple concept that everyone looks over it. We regularly apply it to cases."
Kristi Rogers: Where are our digital ads really going?
"I find it interesting to see that there is so much knowledge available, but that you still get to see so many ads that are not relevant to you. The perfection ways of advertising is not there yet; relevance is currently the most important. The digital world is increasingly in need of quantitative data experts. That Kristi she very clearly out in this talk."
And what is your favo TEDx talk? Let us know, and we'll all check it out at the office during the VriMiBo.
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