More insight and time savings with a new tool from Facebook + Instagram





Facebook displayed on a desktop

Using one tool, schedule your posts for Instagram or Facebook, post posts on multiple accounts, gain clear insight into your results and audience, and manage your inbox. You can do it with the Facebook or Instagram Creator studio, which you can easily access via your Facebook page. But what exactly does this tool entail and how do you effectively use it? The studios under the microscope.

Facebook navigation

What is Facebook Creator studio?

Facebook Creator studio is a new tool from Facebook that makes managing a page much easier. Everything is now conveniently in one place. For example, you can re-roll someone within your organization in the same dashboard, see how long your videos are viewed, set up ads for your videos, schedule a post, watch your Instagram posts do, and download duty-free music. Yes, all in one screen! In terms of design, it's a bit like Google Analytics. It takes some getting used to, but it makes it all a lot clearer and easier.

What about Instagram Creator studio?

The Facebook version of creator studio is not new, which has been around since early 2018. But what is new is the Instagram version. What is Instagram Creator studio then? Actually exactly the same as Facebook creator studio, but for Instagram. You can also switch very easily between the two. At the top are the two logos and you can easily see the environment you are in because of the blue (Facebook) or pink (Instagram) color scheme. The Instagram version is actually intended for public figures, artists and influencers - but we as a marketing agency also like it. Anyone with a page (or who has a certain role) can use it and we certainly recommend this!

Reasons to use Facebook Creator studio

  • Useful if you manage multiple pages
  • Simple integration with Instagram
  • Saves a lot of time because you no longer have to go to five different pages/options
  • Makes your results more insightful
  • Improve your response rate by having the inbox clear

Tips Facebook Creator studio: how do you use it effectively?

The studio is easily accessible through the Publishing Tools. Under "tools" is "Creator studio". If this is the first time you've used it, you'll get a tour to see the basic elements of the creator studio. But how can you make the most of this tool? We'll show you some basic elements from the studio and tell you how best to use it.

The dashboard

Let's start at the beginning, your dashboard! What you see here, you can set yourself. We have it on "Recent posts" but if videos are more important to you, you can change it with one click.

Are you a multi-page manager and do you want to see them here together? No problem, just tick that off at the top. In this case, this is not so relevant because they are pages of different customers, but if you have related webshops or other pages, for example, that is very useful.

You can also post from the dashboard. This looks like you're used to with Publishing Tools, for example, with options to post a poll or go live with a video.

Facebook Dashboard
Facebook Dashboard

Videos: ad breaks & videos on multiple pages

If you have a lot of videos on your Page, you can post an ad break and make money from it. This means that an ad is shown in the middle of your video. This then acts as a stream of income. The Creator studio makes it easy to set this up. Our page doesn't run on videos, but the video below explains how this works in 2:32 minutes.

If you have multiple pages, you'll only need to upload the video once. Through the dashboard there is a "create post" button where you have an option called "post video across pages". Saves you a lot of waiting time and then you're sure that both videos look exactly the same.

Facebook Dashboard

Content library: Overview of your posts

For both Facebook Creator studio and For Instagram Creator studio, the content library is our favorite piece. Here you can see everything about your posts. What posts have been scheduled and how do the current posts score? You can also post from here. This is currently only possible for Facebook, but the studio announces that this will soon be possible for Instagram! (both the feed and Instagram TV). A fine feature of the Instagram Creator studio is the subdivision in photos, videos, carousel, stories and Instagram TV. This way you keep everything organized.

Content library
Content library posts

Insights: insight into your results

Now you can set everything up very nicely, but it's ultimately about the results of your efforts. Insights provides insight into how your page works. You can set yourself the period you want to see it from. This feature looks suspiciously like Google Analytics... so you have the choice of the last 1, 7, 14 or 28 days, this month, this quarter or to set your own time area. You can easily see a comparison with the previous period in the chart.

Facebook Creator Studio analytics

Share roles

New member of the team? With the creator studio it's super easy to add someone. Pages lets you click "add person" and invite someone to manage your Page with just a few clicks.

Facebook Creator Studio, Add someone to your page

Need help?

It could be a little overwhelming, all those options. Hopefully we've helped you get started a little bit and now you'll understand a little bit for what you can use the Facebook Creator studio (or the Instagram Creator studio). Need help with your social media? Can't you post successful posts or are you thinking of starting advertising on Facebook or Instagram? We're happy to help you. Read more blogs about social media marketing on our Boss & Boss online marketing blog    

or ask your question via the website.  

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Sander Baas
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Sander is al 10 jaar de Online Eindbaas. Manager van het Bazen team. In zijn werk richt Sander zich op de groei, de sales en het management binnen Baas & Baas, waarbij hij zich focust op het benaderen van bedrijven die net als Baas & Baas een positieve impact willen maken op de wereld. Sander gelooft dat communicatie het fundament is van elke organisatie. Met behulp van goede communicatie kun je vertrouwen creëren, resultaten behalen en je doelstellingen bereiken. Mensen informeren, motiveren en aansturen kan hij dus als geen ander!

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Julien Dijkslag , Maart, 2023

Baas & Baas bedankt voor de goede service 🙌. Tot de volgende keer 💪🏼

Rogier van Kralingen , December, 2023

Geeft perspectief en uitstekende service, vooral in tijden waarin marketing overweldigend kan zijn.

Sol Wortelboer , Februari, 2024

Uitstekende samenwerking, geweldige service en communicatie met een goed product tot gevolg. Grote bazen :)

Heleen Spruijt , Februari, 2020

We zijn superblij met het eindresultaat van onze webshop en vinden de samenwerking met Baas & Baas erg goed. De lijnen zijn kort waardoor er snel én efficient geschakeld kan worden.

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