An undiscovered marketing world: TikTok's marketing capabilities






Do you want to blend into the world of crazy, funny and edgy videos as a brand? Cool! But also be aware of the time, creativity and resources you need for this. At TikTok you don't just want to spread content, you want to go viral! If your content is not attractive enough, you will unfortunately not notice much on TikTok. Are you super creative on the other side? Then challenge yourself by deploying a challenge or using a hashtag campaign. When you use a challenge or hashtag, it's a challenge to make this shareable because that's how you go viral.

How to use a challenge or hashtag campaign

Of course, you can always test exactly how TikTok works. By setting up a challenge or hashtag campaign yourself, you can easily increase brand awareness and create engagement. Keep this in mind when you get started with TikTok:

  • Make the challenge a little difficult. It has to be something people like to do and challenge them.
  • It's a lot creative. At TikTok, you're not so easily attached to rules. That's what makes this app so interesting. You can use different tools to make your challenge as challenging as possible.
  • Connect hashtags to the challenge so users recognize and share the challenge.

TikTok & influencer marketing

Like Instagram, TikTok is the platform for influencers. Young people with a large number of followers are an idol for others. They share the fun, funny and challenging videos with a very large audience. At the beginning of this year, the German sisters Lena and Lisa had 32 million followers. For brands it may be interesting to promote their product or service through these people. For example, you don't have to use a challenge or hashtag campaign to get a big reach.

Influencer making video at a pretty sight

TikTok's advertising capabilities

Recently you can also advertise as a brand on TikTok. By putting ads on this platform, it's easier to reach the target audience. Through advertised videos you can get to the user's timeline. So it looks like you're also a TikTok user. This allows the videos to fit well between the stories and videos of the other users, without being visible.

TikTok ads can be used to reach and interact. The ads can be used in different ways. In the following ways, you can advertise on TikTok:

  • Brand Take Over and Topview: This is a targeted full-screen ad that is only shown to people genuinely interested in a topic.
  • In-feed native video: This is where your video ad is shown for 15 seconds to people scrolling through a timeline.
  • A hashtag challenge: by using a sponsored hashtag you will be posted on the Discovery page for six days. This gives you more reach.
  • 2D lens filters: Through branded filters, your brand becomes visible to users.
  • Influencers: using influencer marketing gives you a wide range faster.

Successful TikTok campaigns

A good example of a successful TikTok campaign is the song "Old Town Road" by Lil Nax X. The song was promoted on TikTok under the hashtag #yeehaw, where young people in a video had a makeover from normal clothes to cowboy clothing. In the background, the song played every time. On NBC's Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, they downloaded the app and launched the #tumbleweed challenge. The challenge was carried out by more than 8,000 TikTok-ers.

Another example is Guess's campaign, claiming the hashtag #inmydenim. Guess collaborated with influencer Bebe Rexha and encouraged users to transform their Guess pants.


TikTok is hip and happening. The growing platform is attractive to young people but more and more older users are also joining. Using a humorous challenge or a catchy hashtag campaign can provide a greater reach. Using advertising or an influencer provides extra reach and more interaction. Do you dare to be funny as a brand and show self-deprecation? Then TikTok can be the channel for your company to go viral.

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Sander Baas
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Sander is al 10 jaar de Online Eindbaas. Manager van het Bazen team. In zijn werk richt Sander zich op de groei, de sales en het management binnen Baas & Baas, waarbij hij zich focust op het benaderen van bedrijven die net als Baas & Baas een positieve impact willen maken op de wereld. Sander gelooft dat communicatie het fundament is van elke organisatie. Met behulp van goede communicatie kun je vertrouwen creëren, resultaten behalen en je doelstellingen bereiken. Mensen informeren, motiveren en aansturen kan hij dus als geen ander!

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