Use video marketing for your business





Videocamera recording a movie screen

Who would have thought videos would become so popular? In the past, it used to be data-devourers that you could see narrowly on your little Blackberry screen with a grainy image - nowadays, video is out of the way of the online world. And with that, the popularity of video marketing has increased. We wrote about it briefly in the Instagram + Facebook trends blog post. Don't miss this trend! In this blog post, we explain why video marketing is important and how you can start with it.</span>

What is video marketing anyway?

Video marketing is the term we use to describe marketing in the form of video. These are mainly advertisements, such as videos as advertisements in Instagram Stories. But "marketing" is, of course, much broader. Online courses in video format is also a form of video marketing. Sending people personal videos where you thank them, for example, or sending them invites - also a form of video marketing. In this blog post, we will focus on video marketing in the field of advertising, because we are the most expert in this and this is relevant to most people, including to you.

Why is video marketing important?

Why is video a valuable addition to text and still image? Videos are easy to consume. Reading a book is normally more intensive than watching an episode netflix, even if it might be about the same topic. Videos can be seen anywhere and you don't have to put so much effort into it.

But why has video marketing grown so much? If you look closely, the shift from offline to online TV is not new. YouTube has reached more people than a TV channel for years. With the rise of Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories and Instagram TV, TV is only becoming more important. With video marketing you can reach a large (or small/ niche), focused and relevant audience. It's a new way to get your message.

Start with video marketing: roadmap

You now know what video marketing is and why it's important. Time for the next step: start video marketing. Follow these four steps and you're already a long way off.

1. Map out your strategy

Yup, we're not starting with the easiest step, but a strategy is the most important part of video marketing. It happens too often that people get to work very enthusiastically with video marketing, but actually have no idea what they are doing, doing or wanting to achieve. Sin! As with the rest of your social media strategy, you need to match video with your brand. What do you want your video to deliver? What should your video do for your brand? And does the video fit your brand? Write all this down first and develop a plan of action. Don't go film that until then. So make sure there's a clear call to action in your video. Of course you learn along the way and it is a process of trial and error, but make sure you don't "just" make a video.

2. Think of your platform

Now you know what you want to achieve with your video, but does that connect to the platform? I'm sure you know LinkedIn has a different purpose than Facebook. LinkedIn is more professional and serious, while Facebook is much looser and "faster". In videos there are also differences.

On Facebook share your news, because people often watch it on the go, on their phones. Important: Make sure that people can understand without sound, just in case they don't have their ears with them or just aren't in the mood for audio. You see this more and more in the form of subtitles. Examples of Facebook video marketing: video about your product's USPs (with subtitles), behind your company's scenes or news stories presented in a fun way.

Instagram is the platform for inspiration and beautiful pictures. Why do people use Instagram? Usually to be entertained, inspired and to kill time. In itself, there are many similarities to Facebook, but Instagram is more used as a kind of chill mode (for example, a learning break). Facebook really focuses on being on the go. Examples of Instagram video marketing: live Q&amp;A's, tips &amp; tricks, recipes &amp; how-to's and short videos via Instagram TV.

Last but not least: YouTube is of course the platform for video. While Instagram and Facebook still look alike, YouTube is very different. People who are on YouTube want to learn something. They have their sound on and give you their full attention. Videos may now take longer than 2 minutes. Make sure that it is immediately clear what the viewer can expect. YouTube viewers are looking for specific information and drop out if they think you can't give them that info. Examples of YouTube video marketing: vlogs, unpacking products, aftermovies of events or short courses.

3. Set up an influencer

Hopefully, we don't have to explain that influencer marketing is popular. But it's not so common to apply influencer marketing to your video marketing strategy. We don't mean you're asking Anna Nooshin to appear in your vlog. It's about creating your own influencer, which becomes the face of your brand. With your images, you can already identify a person who represents your business, but video really lets you set a tone. Think of colleagues or employees. Much cheaper than traditional influencer marketing and the person within your company gets the opportunity to actually become a social influencer. Then he or she becomes more popular again and that's good for your brand. Win-win-win!


So the videos vary by platform, but there's one similarity: you have to stand out. People have very little time and attention. Generation Z is even more impatient than the millennial generation and you have to respond to that. How do you stand out? Do things differently than others. Don't start with your logo, start with something people don't expect. Take advantage of all the effects and edit capabilities of videos. Just make sure your video fits your brand and your strategy.

Video marketing trends

Finally, we've listed the most important video marketing trends for you. Here's what you can think about with your own video marketing. Use it to be one step ahead of the rest!

1. Shift to square or vertical videos

You used to be attacked by your friend when you made an upright video of her. Nowadays this is becoming increasingly popular. Why? Vertical videos are perfect for Instagram TV and Instagram Stories. But also for the timeline, these videos are suitable, because then the whole screen is filled with your video. Super for Facebook! Vertical videos are fine too, as Instagram uses square thumbnails in your feed. The NRC Netherlands writes in their article about vertical filming. Will vertical filming be the new trend? Read the full article to find out how Baas & Baas thinks about vertical filming!

2. Use of live videos

This isn't about advertising, it's your "organic" stories. Anyone who sees your story is based on an algorithm. Does anyone never look at your story or profile? Then your story will be at the back, or at least not in front. Then they won't see your story very often either, which makes you drop in popularity. This will make your story less screened to others, and so on. Fortunately, this can be done differently! Live videos always come first, with everyone. Such a live story is therefore perfect for reaching your target audience. Think of a live recording of an event where you are, something that happens in the office or a project you're working on.

3. Shift to education

All video marketing trends reports show that education is becoming an increasingly important goal of videos. What do you think is more fun, a psychological paradigm explained in a dusty book or in a video with beautiful effects and alternation of a talking person and clear animations? If you really had to choose, only the real bookworm would go for the first option. Videos offer the ability to combine image, sound, and text in a variety of ways. The education industry makes grateful use of this. But more and more commercial companies are also using videos as education. Think tutorials, workshops and webinars. There's definitely a way for you to incorporate education into your video marketing!

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Sander Baas
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Sander is al 10 jaar de Online Eindbaas. Manager van het Bazen team. In zijn werk richt Sander zich op de groei, de sales en het management binnen Baas & Baas, waarbij hij zich focust op het benaderen van bedrijven die net als Baas & Baas een positieve impact willen maken op de wereld. Sander gelooft dat communicatie het fundament is van elke organisatie. Met behulp van goede communicatie kun je vertrouwen creëren, resultaten behalen en je doelstellingen bereiken. Mensen informeren, motiveren en aansturen kan hij dus als geen ander!

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Geeft perspectief en uitstekende service, vooral in tijden waarin marketing overweldigend kan zijn.

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