Have you made your LinkedIn profile perfect? Now is the time for the next step: to become more active on LinkedIn. Sounds like a lot of work, but that's not so bad. We'll give you some advice. Some of them are so obvious that you'll look over it anyway. Some are a bit more work, but it's worth it (because see tip 5!).
1. Be original in your communication
The other day I received a voice memo in my mailbox. It was an invitation to contribute to a project. Normally this would seem far too sales-like and I would kindly thank you. Now I liked it so much and original that I listened to it twice. Another example: a Christmas wish in the form of a video. Be creative and original, people appreciate that much more.

2. Customise your URL
If you don't change your URL, the link to your profile is something of www.linkedin.com/voornaam-achternaam-123hd78dhc782gvc71v2dgv3723vc87v . Super ugly, of course. It's easy to change your URL through your settings. Go to your own LinkedIn profile. On the right is "edit public profile and URL". If you click on this, you'll find a new page where you can change your URL in the upper right corner. The simplest is first name last name but if that is already occupied you can also add your company name or fill in something creative (but recognizable).
3. Market your profile
Why would you try so your profile when no one is going to see it? Be proud of your profile! Promote it! Put it in your email signature and on your business cards. The more people see your profile, the more people see your profile.

4. Share updates
Another way to get visible on LinkedIn: be active. Then we're not talking about updating your profile, because of course you would have done that after step 1. It's about sharing updates. You can keep it personal, such as a milestone within your company or a project you've completed. But blogs are also doing well, whether it's your blogs via LinkedIn or links to external websites. Furthermore, you can piggyback on other people's content by liking, sharing, or responding to their posts. That's to invest in your professional development.
5. Don't underestimate the power of LinkedIn
If you have your LinkedIn profile in order, it can be of great value to your career. You may get jobs or projects offered via personal messages. Someone may get to know you via LinkedIn and eventually become a loyal customer. It never hurts to spend time and attention on presenting yourself professionally. Thank us later!
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