What is Growth Hacking and how do you use it?





growth hacking blog

Growth Hacking is a term you may have heard more often, but what exactly is a Growth Hacker? Striking is the word 'hacker'but is this really meant by it? And why do you really have to use this as a company? We'll tell you in this blog.

What is Growth Hacking?

If you've never heard of the term before, you might think it has something to do with hacking. However, this is not the case. The term 'Growth Hacking '

was introduced in 2010 by Sean Ellis (Founder and CEO of Growth Hackers).

Ellis doesn't call himself a "Marketer," but a Growth Hacker. But what is Growth Hacking    exactly?

The term is usually used in relation to   startups.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Of startups, small family businesses up to  multinationals, all can use this new marketing technique.

Many companies do not yet know what Growth Hacking means while many are unwittingly working on it.

Okay.. now you still don't know what  Growth Hacking is.

Growth Hacking is a marketing form to grow your business (quickly) with minimal resources. That sounds like music to the ears, Right? Large campaigns give way to smaller experiments, and ongoing campaigns are constantly being tested. The goal is to find the most effective and efficient ways to achieve growth. This relatively new approach is therefore better known as Growth Hacking.

Why Growth Hacking?

This new form of marketing is a cost-efficient way that uses vision, online marketing,the right tools, data, technology and creativity to achieve that one goal: GROWTH! Because you Growth Hacking test new ideas directly, you quickly gain insight into which ideas are successful and which are not. By conducting such a series of tests, companies are growing faster. At Growth Hacking you decide based on the outcome of the test, i.e. based on data. Therefore, with each test, focus on one metric, i.e. one data outcome.


Is it really as simple as it sounds? No, in reality, it's different. In order to be able to tackle this marketing form properly, the right cooperation is needed.

Growth Hacking is a collective name of various online marketing components. Within a company you have different departments, take marketing, sales and product development. Research (Discovery Surveys; how to improve interdepartmental communication) showed that two out of three employees find communication between different departments within their own organization poor. This is despite the fact that companies with good internal communication perform better 47. Poor communication between departments is therefore one of the biggest barriers to business growth.

Get started with Growth Hacking!

In today's business climate, more and more companies know that without Growth  Hacking   don't go to save. The ultimate growth hack for growing organisations is therefore breaking existing frameworks to enable growth. It is important that everyone within the company has a Growth Hacking mindset. Building bridges between different departments is therefore a good first step! If you share findings and enthusiasm, Growth Hacking will live within the organization. The road here is not without setbacks but it is well worth it in the end. The more different opinions and ideas employees share with each other, the faster they generate new ideas. And then Growth Hacking can really get started!

Practical Growth Hacking TIP

Tip number 1 - Google Analytics: Custom Alerts

Here's a Google Analytics Feature that will make your life as a Growth Hacker easier:

  • Custom Alerts  (aangepaste meldingen)

It is very important to regularly analyse the performance of your site/product. Often the insights you are looking for are deeply hidden in the data, but you don't have enough time to dig for these insights.

Custom alerts actually work very simple, we all have access to a lot of interesting data in our Google Analytics dashboard. The idea is that with the help of the tool you can easily make a notification. Google Analytics then constantly monitors your data flows and when to meet the condition for the notification you created (customized alert) is satisfied, you will receive an email.  You may be wondering how you make such a report. Read on! Step 1: Start Google Analytics and open Custom Notifications under the heading "Adjustments."

Step 2: When you open Custom Notifications,    click

 and then  

click  .Step 3:  Create Custom Alert.   aanmaken.Example:

Now you'll get a notification when the bounce rate increases by more than 20.

The bounce rate is the number of sessions where one page loads is shared by all sessions or the percentage of all sessions on the site where users have only viewed one page. These one-page sessions have a duration of 0 seconds. The lower the bounce percentage, the better. When you receive the above notification, it is useful to check the following points:

  • Does the content fit in well with the marketing expressions you send visitors to the page?
  • Is there a clear call-to-action?
  • Is the mobile website optimized?
  • Is the search function on the page in a clear place?
  • Do all the links work on and from the page?

Curious about tip number 2? Keep an eye on our website and socials for a new update!

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Sander Baas
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Sander is dé eindbaas bij Baas & Baas. Als ondernemer en online marketeer zoekt hij altijd naar de best mogelijke oplossingen. Daarnaast reist hij graag de wereld rond voor inspiratie en fijne werkplekken. Zijn expertise ligt op het gebied van advertising, webdevelopment, SEO en contentmarketing. Direct in contact komen met Sander? Stuur een mailtje naar info@baasenbaas.nl.

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